Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Airplane Deed: Day 8

Today I flew home to Michigan. It was quite the ordeal (I will never have a normal flying experience, I'm pretty sure).  It started out great. I got to the airport two and half hours before my flight, didn't have to stand in line for a single thing, and made it to my gate in plenty of time to relax before taking off.  And then, the inevitable delay.  Lightning struck the ramp, so they had to delay the plane for a half hour. No big deal, I still should have gotten to Michigan by 9pm.  We boarded the plane on time and were sitting there for quite awhile, when the steward came over the intercom letting us know that the Pilot and Co-pilot were M.I.A.  No joke! They couldn't locate either of them.  He was so cute and funny though, telling us he was super embarrassed and was going to tell us the truth, because he didn't know what else to say.  We ended up sitting on the plane until 9, when we finally got a new set of pilots for the flight, and were just about to take off when a man asked if we could switch seats with me so he could sit next to his wife. Perfect! I hadn't done  my deed for the day and was clearly running out of time.  I immediately got up and gladly switched, it wasn't hurting me any and it'd make two people's flight more enjoyable.  Why not?  My phone was already off and tucked away in my purse, so no picture was taken.  Hopefully you aren't the type who need to see to believe....I swear it happened!  Anyway, I am now safely in Michigan and ready to  PARTY with my besties for my friend Carly's birthday!! SO GLAD TO BE HOME!!!

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